Friday, February 24, 2012

Opening Up the Flood Gate of Interactions with the Grandkids

You may remember what it was like to raise teenagers. They apparently go into a funk at the age of 13 and remain that way until they've got kids of their own. So now you are a grandparent and it’s the kids struggling with getting the silent treatment from their kids, is it necessary to write off those lovely grandkids who used to love to climb on your lap once they came over?

You may have heard a deep dark secret that child psychologists know. Teenagers not only are not uncommunicative, they long to communicate what is happening in their lives.

The teenage years are an outburst of change that's unparalleled in life this side of the womb. So if the teenager will find an adult they can talk with, that is going to help them in getting through these hard teen years.

In some cases Grandma or Grandpa can become that willing ear and someone who a teenager can speak to about whatever is eating them up inside. All you need to do is open the flood gates of communications and also the grandkids will put their hearts out to you. And as a grandparent, there is nothing you would really like more.

Modern teenagers are not used to conventional letters. To them communications is email, instant messaging or text messaging over the phone.

So they don’t know the thrill they can get by just seeing a card or letter from someone they love come in the good old fashioned U.S. Mail. So to start priming the pump of communications, start sending your grandkids cards.

Now don’t make these all nostalgic and sentimental “grandma loves you cards”. Be courageous and look at the hip cards and the really funny ones that will make the kids laugh and make them look forward to that next card they get from you.

This can become a hobby and a passion. If you have 5 teenage grandkids, every week find 5 really cute and funny cards to send them. Then think of a clever thing to say on each card and just end it, “I love you - Grandma”, that sends a more powerful message that Grandma wants to communicate but that communicating with her will be fun..

Now phase two. Every now and then, write them a letter. Don’t make it a long letter and certainly not a preachy letter. But make it light and fun. Find out what TV shows and movies they like and watch them.

Get to know who the kids like in popular culture. There is a time so follow the gossip web sites so you can write to your grandkids about things they're talking about. Suddenly, the light is going to come on and they'll realize, “Hey, Grandpas cool”.

Now phase three. Since kids love to communicate by computer, you communicate by computer. Take several classes and learn how to use email, instant messaging and even texting. Then when you are very good at it, tease the kids with your IM nickname or your email box.

You'll find all sorts of silly digital “toys” will lure those kids to talk to you on the internet. The primary thing is that they will open up the doors to their e-mail and to their IM to you. Then, once you have that, you may make contact by computer and become a computer “buddy”.

The safety of talking on line as well as the knowledge that “grandpa is cool” will enable the kids know that they can talk to you. Before long the flood gates will open like never before. And when they're pouring their hearts out to you via IM or email, you should have performed a wonderful thing for those kids. And that’s what being a grandparent is all about.

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