Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Significance of Physical Exercise In Treating Depression

Research has revealed the effectiveness of exercise for treating depression. Exercise helps enhance "feel good" brain chemicals and helps boost overall health and fitness, which may enhance self-esteem. Nearly all sources suggest 30 to 60 minutes of physical exercise daily to receive the full benefits.

Nutritional supplements

Studies claim that supplements may help depression. Vitamins, minerals, and certain herbs may ease the symptoms of mild or moderate depression. St. John's Wort has been shown to help reduce depression symptoms. Other supplements that may help include:

* Fish oil
* Evening primrose oil (said to be particularly helpful for depression in women)
* B-complex vitamins
* Magnesium
* Flax oil
* Valerian (a mild herbal sedative)


A healthy diet plan can help increase mood in depressed individuals. Nutrient-dense foods can provide your body with the necessary chemicals that it must deal with depression and get your brain in optimal working order. Here are some dietary approaches for helping take care of your depression.

* Whole grains and complex carbs could help boost serotonin levels in the brain. Some depressed people crave sugar; this may be your body's way of letting you know it needs carbohydrates. Give it just what it needs, but not in unhealthy forms like sugar or white flour baked goods.

* Fresh fruits and vegetables supply antioxidants and nutrients. Make sure to include lots of these in your diet.

* Healthy fats can help in treating depression. Go for seafood and nuts to give the body the healthy fats it needs.

Other Sites On Depression

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