Issued in the journal Cell Metabolism, this new report wanted to lead more strategies to undertake the overweight issue that has develop into a vital health and economic issue today. The escalating rate of fat people in the usa alone is startling, and although a lot of losing weight diets and methods are accessible at everyone’s disposal, there seems to be a much deeper source of problem for this hence, this conscious project to access socially therapeutic techniques to get on with weight loss.
In accordance with the study, the mice exposed to a socially enriched setting revealed a significant decrease in body fat stored in the body, as well as, were discovered to be least inclined to put fat on in comparison to those group of mice exposed to the normal conditions. Both groups got matching food but the active mice, having been subjected to more physical and mental draining housing complex revealed a significant decrease in its abdominal body fat.
Irrespective of having only carried this study on mice, this group of researchers strongly feel that there is a link between our brain and body fat. This connection referred to them as the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is responsible for starting the process of converting energy-storing fat to energy-burning fat. They have determined that it is possible to induce or stimulate our brain to convert and eliminate our fat in our body and this can be accomplished through change in lifestyle particularly the one which is most proactive.
Researchers hoped to obtain alternative options to invasive surgeries to promote weight loss. Additionally, they aim to contribute to ideas about the link between human sentiments and body fat burning. It is said that the increasing weight problems nowadays may be attributed to the increasing appeal of social media networks which succeeded the more active, dynamic face to face interaction. This doesn't, however, discount the point that staying active on Facebook or Twitter is amongst the reasons for obesity but it gives insightful information concerning the degree of involvement in that social network. “It is not the size of your social network, but its depth and complexity, and your level of engagement with that network that counts."
What do you think of this study? Do you think social psychology has an influence on our health especially on the issue reducing weight?
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